Publicitate > PopMuch helps you succeed 10$/Day

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Posted at 2016-06-01 13:10:49 (414 wks ago)

Posts: 512
Location: Romania

PopMuch helps you succeed.
PopMuch is a self-serve pop advertising system that enables advertisers to connect with publishers. We have 10+ billion global views monthly. Our traffic come from PC and mobile. PopMuch is your best choice. Please join us now!

SIGN UP and make money

Here are some of the questions most frequently asked by our advertisers.
 How does an advertiser open a PopMuch account?
 PopMuch accounts are free and there is no obligation to sign-up. All advertisers must be approved and the minimum deposit to get started is $10.

 How much traffic can advertisers expect from the program?
 PopMuch has the ability to drive large volumes of high quality traffic and once an account is running, the PopMuch platform has the ability to quickly help optimize traffic volume. Specific campaign traffic volume generally depends upon the following factors: (1) Bids; (2) Daily campaign budgets.

 How long does it take for a campaign to get approved?
 If we are within the working hours, it will take less than one hour. But beyond working hours, like in weekends or in holidays, it may take up to 12 hours.

 What is the minimum bid?
 PPV(pay per view) starting from $0.002.

 Can I request a refund?
 We will refund all the remaining funds if requested with only one exception: The advertisers change the landing page after approval (changes which are against our ad serving policy) or make use of malicious codes.

Here are some of the questions most frequently asked by our publishers.
 What type of traffic is accepted?
 We accept publishers from all over the globe. There is no minimum traffic limit. We accept all websites including adult, as long as they have legal content. We reject websites that don't comply with our rules.

 What rates do you offer?
 Rates are fully dynamic and depend on many factors like: visitors’ country, your website quality, niche, even day of the week and time of the day. Our automated bidding system ensures that publishers get the maximum revenue possible.

 Do you pay for all traffic?
 Yes, we pay for worldwide traffic.

 What is the minimum withdraw payment?
 Minimum payment is 10 USD.

 How do I get paid?
 We process all payment requests via PayPal. If you need to be paid via Wire Transfer please contact us.

 When do you process payments?
 We process payments within 5 working days.

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Posted at 2016-06-01 13:20:23 (414 wks ago)

Posts: 512
Location: Romania



Please paste the code anywhere between <head> and </head>. We Censoredgest to install it directly above </head>.

<script type="text/javascript">
var uid = '89378fb73c234f0fa5faeb655cc2c390';
var wid = '161162';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

or link:

Last edited by Extremlym on 2016-06-01 13:22:07

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